Representative body, committees


Klára Horvath dr.
Tel.:+36 34/568-001

Deputy mayor:


Sándor Zsidi 


Imre Bierbauer  (non-attached member)

Mrs. Hedvig Udvardy Jakus (non-attached member)

Mrs. Tamás Szepesi (non-attached member)

Georgina Tóth (non-attached member)

Mrs. Mária Szkocsek  Veres(non-attached member)

Sándor Zsidi (non-attached member)



Finance and Town Development Committee:

Chairman: Mrs. Hedvig Udvardy Jakus
Members of Representative body: Imre Bierbuer 
 Georgina Tóth 
External member:Mrs. Erika Erdélyi Pauer
 János Hajdu 

Social and Educational Committee:

Chairman: Mrs. Mária Szkocsek Veres
Members of Representative body: Georgina Tóth
 Mrs. Tamás Szepesi
External members: Mrs. Katalin Bojtor Szijártó
 Zsuzsa Csomó

Asset and Conflict of Interest Committee:

Chairman: Imre Bierbauer
Members of Representative body: Mrs. Hedvig Udvardy Jakus
 Georgina Tóth

Local Depository Committee

Members: Klára Horváth dr.  
 Mrs. Mária Szkocsek Veres
 Mrs. Hedvig Udvardy Jakus


In the municipal term of 2019-2023, we try to make communication between the representatives and the pubic easier and more direct with a new initiation. We divided the streets of the town into districts among our representatives and committee members, so they can apply to the representatives of the area for their concerns, complaints and suggestions. Of course, – based on experiences- it’s not only the representative of the area, but also any of the representatives, committee members or the mayoress can assist in solving their problem.



Sándor Zsidi deputy mayorWesselényi Street, F. Kazincy Street, F. Kölcsey Street, L. Kossuth Street, Mérleg Street, Virág Street
Mrs. Hedvig Udvardy Jakus
Chairman of Finance and Town Development Committee
Széchenyi housing estate, Kisbábolna farmstead
Mrs. Mária Szkocsek Veres Chairman of Social and Educational CommitteeKisfaludy housing estate, Csikótelepi Road, M. Radnóti Street 
Imre Bierbauer representativeRózsaerdei Street, E. Ady Street, P. Kinizsi Street, Jégeri Street
Mrs. Tamás Szepesi representativeIfjusági housing estate, Árpád Lane, Zrínyi Street, Dózsa Street, Móra Street
Georgina Tóth representativeMező Street, Marek Street, Cserháti Street, Tessedik Street, Kőrisfa Street
Klára Horvath dr. mayoressFarkaskút, Kajánd, Csemerháza, Ritter, Darányi, IKR Park, Ácsi Road, Rózsa Street, Erzsébet Street, F. Deák Street, J. Arany Street
Mrs. Katalin Bojtor Szijártó external memberVíztorony Street
Zsuzsanna Csomó  external memberAkácfa Street, Hársfa Street
Pauerné Erdélyi Erika external memberMészáros Road, M. Toldi Street, A. József Street, S. Petőfi Street, Petőfi Lane, Béke Street
János Hajdu  external memberCsekonics Street, F- Kozma Street, Újhelyi Street, Nagyváthy Street